051 Practical Ideas to Make Your Next Vacation More Affordable
We all want to travel more and that means that we need may need to get creative with how we spend our travel dollars.
Lisa shares her tips for getting the most value out of your vacations through budgeting ideas, transportation suggestions, ways to discover less expensive activities plus ideas for getting affordable accommodations. Lisa shares her personal insights along with referencing ideas from past podcast guests. Discover a curated list of great ways to save money on your next family vacation.
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“Consider traveling with another family and share expenses for lodging and a rental car.”
This episode is sponsored by our This Travel Tribe Amazon Shop. Stop by to check out my favorite wallet (it’s only $14!) plus see the other things I love to use when our family travels.
Outline of tips I share during this episode of the podcast:
Give the kids jobs around the house where they can add money to the family travel fund.
Set a plan for how much you want to save each month.
Have a separate savings account just for travel expenses.
Cut out a few daily comforts (eating out, daily coffee) and put that money into your travel fund.
Additional podcast resources:
Episode 002 How to Have Enough Money to Travel with Jessica Montague March
Episode 020 Creating a Family Travel Plan with Kristy Williams
Consider the best way to get to your destination. Is it close enough to drive? Take a road trip!
Try to remain loyal to one airline so you can accumulate miles/points to use with them.
Travel with another family and share a rental car.
Additional podcast resources:
003 Practical Way to Make Your Road Trips Fantastic with Melanie Jorgensen
032 How to Fly for (Almost) Free with Lynn Mettler
Travel Activities
Take a hike! It’s practically free, you get fresh air and time to enjoy nature.
Look at Groupon for local deals to amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, etc.
Visit a National Park.
Check your local zoo/museum pass to see if it works in other cities.
Additional Podcast Resources
007 Simple Ways to Make National Parks Sensational for Kids with Stephanie McClellen
036 How to Prepare and Motivate Kids to Hike with Lesley Davis
045 How to Plan the Best Day Trips with Toddlers with Mary Jordan
008 Discovering the Best Hidden Gems of San Diego with Madeline Schmidt
Travel to places where you can stay with friends or family.
Stay in an Airbnb. You’ll have more space plus a kitchen where you can cook and save on the cost of food. Use THIS LINK to take $40 off of your first stay in an Airbnb.
Consider doing a home exchange.
Look into an all-inclusive resort. (Good deals have been found by my friends on Costco travel.)
Additional Podcast Resource
010 How to Do Home Exchanges for Budget Travel with Camille Romriell
Consider a Travel Agent
At first, it may seem counter-intuitive to hire someone to plan and trip as a budget travel option. Travel agents will be able to guide you to good deals that you may not find on our own. They may also be able to offer you perks or discounts that you cannot find when booking things for yourself.
Travel agents are great for assisting with booking cruises, all-inclusive resorts, or helping you build and plan a custom itinerary.
I hope these ideas help you shave off the costs of vacations so you can get out, explore and make memories with your family more often!
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