089 How To Use Design to Enhance Your Travels & Your Home
Design can influence how you travel, things you do while you are on vacation, and how you incorporate travel memories in your home. GG LeMere joins Lisa to share her graphic design knowledge about how to notice cool design elements while you are traveling and why this is important. We also talk about different ways you can bring home (mostly free) things from vacation to use in your home. Have you ever thought of collecting snow and bringing it home? Come hear GG’s creative and inspiring ideas that you will want to use on your next trip.
Listen in to spark inspiration on cool activities you can add to your trip that will help you and your kids slow down and notice interesting details about the world around us.
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“Take time to notice the details.”
Design Influence While Traveling
Noticing signs and storefronts can add interest to your vacation.
Visit the Hamilton Type Museum in Wisconsin
If you are in Nashville, visit Hatch Show Print
Bring along blank paper and crayons and make rubbings of cool textures.
Look for cool elements that repeat like doorbells, stairs, manholes, or doors, and take pictures of them.
Design Elements in Your Home From Travels
Frame rubbings
Money in a jar on a bookshelf
Collect series pictures (all the doors) on a poster and have it printed
Make a photo book
Print a favorite photo in a large format and hang
Use a bookcase to collect different memorabilia from travels
Look for food items, like beer bottles, that are interesting that you can bring home and display
Collect snow or sand to bring home and display in a glass jar
GG and her kids enjoying one of her favorite cities - Venice!
Discover art wherever you travel!