049 Creative & Simple Ways to Entertain Toddlers While Traveling

Traveling with young kids can be challenging but with a little planning, you will find the expereince will be enjoyable for everyone in the family.

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If you are traveling with kids, you are on the lookout for simple and creative ways to keep your babies and toddlers entertained while traveling. Brittany Barron from FivePax joins Lisa to share practical ideas, tips, and insights on things she has found that creatively entertain her toddlers during long hours of traveling. We talk about the essential basics to pack in a kid’s travel backpack, fun ways to get movement in cramped spaces, and simple games you can play that require no supplies. Listen in to gain confidence and inspiration to make traveling with toddlers a fun and exciting experience. 

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Travel Backpack Essentials

  • Must Haves: water bottle, healthy snacks, a lovey, and lollipops.

  • Pretend play: cars, small animals (18 months-3 you can talk about colors, count wheels, have animals talk to each other. 3-5 years-old discuss what makes them similar and different, organize or sort them.

  • Creative play: Wix sticks, pipe cleaners, washi tape, crayons, and post-it notes

  • Busy brains and hands: Whiteboard + marker OR reusable stickers for the little ones. (*Pro-tip if the air is super dry they get staticky and don’t stick, wipe down the page with a baby wipe and boom, back in business!)

Kids Yoga While Traveling

Our kids love yoga to stretch and move in small spaces including their airplane seat.  This website has several of our favorites (cat/cow/cobra/crescent moon/lotus) https://www.kidsyogastories.com/chair-yoga-poses/

Selecting Quality Screen Time Programming

To pre-screen movies and TV shows use the filter search options on Common Sense Media (www.commonsensemedia.com). 

Car Games

5 Facts About Me

2 Minute Switch: Each person gets the floor to talk for 2 minutes about whatever they want or a chosen topic.

I Spy

Connect with Brittany!



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