Episode 023 How to Execute an Epic Trip with Grandkids

Are you looking for advice on how grandparents can take a meaningful vacation with their grandkids? Taking a vacation is always something special, but how can you make it even more amazing? Leave the parents home and let the grandparents take the grandkids on an adventure! On today’s episode, Lisa is joined by Grandma Kathy Wright and her granddaughter, Lila Wilson. They share the benefits of getting away for a special trip together.

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Kathy has made it a goal to travel solo with each of her grandkids and so far she has taken four of them on trips. She shares how she keeps things simple and why she thinks you should give this type of travel a try. Lila adds in the perfect child’s perspective and she is so sweet!

Listen in today!

Travel is a gift we give each other that will live with us forever.
— Kathy Wright

Show Notes

Kathy traveled with the company Road Scholar.

Connect with Kathy


Kathy contributes content on The Wandering Rumpus Blog

This episode is sponsored by Stitch Fix. Leave the hassle of styling and shopping to someone else while you work on the details for your next trip. Use this link to take $25 off of your first order.

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