083 Ideas on How to Travel with Your Family During a Pandemic

We all want to get out, travel, and explore with our family right now but the pandemic posses a big challenge. Today Iā€™m sharing about trips our family took this summer, how we made them work, safety precautions we considered, places we were able to stay (and why we felt they were safe), how we traveled by both car and plane, and how we handled food and activities. I hope to inspire you to discover some great travel options in your area and you can use our experiences as a springboard for ideas for your future family travel.

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There really are so many wonderful family travel options to consider right now. Listen in to learn about what our family did this summer and get ready to be inspired to start planning your next family advneture.

How to Travel

  1. Road trips are a popular and relatively safe option when considering staying away from people or crowds. Pack some food, bring hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, and a face covering. All restaurants, gas stations, and other public spaces we have visited all currently require a face covering.

  2. Flying. This my be a more controversial option when considering health ramifications. Airlines appear to be doing all they can to make it safe and comfortable to continue flying.

Here are a few of the airline precautions to be aware of when you fly:

  • Face coverings are required in airports and one airplanes.

  • HEPA filters clean the airplane air every 3 minutes. The claim this makes the air more clean that a restaurant or public indoor spaces.

  • Limited snack and beverage service.

  • Boarding in very small groups.

  • Temperature check for employees.

  • Hand sanitizing stations.

  • Seat back magazines removed

Where to Stay

  1. Vacation Rentals. Our favorite option is always to look for a place on Airbnb. You will encounter fewer people, no lobby to pass through, have the place to yourself, and you can make the house your destination.

  2. Hotels. Although hotels can be fairly public places, they are taking many precautions to make it safer for guests. Many offer contactless check-in, extra room cleaning, grab & go food options, not booking all rooms, close gyms, and pools.

  3. Stay with friends or family. If others feel comfortable having guests, consider staying with friends or family. You save money and get to spend time with loved ones.

What to Do

Find outdoor activities where you can distance yourself from others. We have spent time at the beach, gone on hikes, and went fly fishing. Get creative and you will still find great activity options.