5 Travel Experiences that Make Perfect Gifts + How to Wrap Them

Giving the gift of a travel experience creates a meaningful memory and special time to bond with the giver and receiver. Today I’m sharing five great travel experiences that make perfect gifts. Since this type of gift can be a bit tricky to wrap and present, I’m also sharing 8 fun ways to give your gift.

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5 Travel Experiences That make perfect Gifts

  1. Sporting event tickets make a fun and memorable gift. Think about the recipient’s favorite sports team and check out their travel schedule. Go to an away game to support the team and check out a new destination. Maybe your recipient doesn’t follow one specific team. In that case, how about tickets to a spring training baseball game or a golf tournament? Even if you don’t know very much about a specific sport, it can be fun to experience something new together.

  2. Get tickets to a music concert. Does your recipient have a favorite music artist? If yes, check out the artist’s touring schedule and book a ticket to go and see her or him perform.

  3. Go to a Broadway show. You could hit up NYC and see a show on Broadway or look up touring show schedules and visit a different city.

  4. Plan a pampering day. Travel to a city that has a fun local spa (really any city will work for this!) and plan a day to be pampered. Schedule time to relax by the pool too.

  5. Make plans to go to a special museum exhibit. You can visit an art museum with a favorite artist’s works of art. Or head to something a bit unique like The Color Factory, Museum of Ice Cream, The Van Gogh Experience, or Wonderspaces.

Creative Ways to Wrap and Give Travel Experience Gifts

  1. If you order the gift online, you will likely receive an email confirmation. Print the email confirmation and wrap it up.

  2. Go on a scavenger hunt! This can be simple or elaborate. Write a poem with clues about your gift and send the recipient on a hunt around the house. The final clue can include details about their upcoming experience gift.

  3. Write a card to give to the recipient that says to pack their bags and when to be ready. You can leave out the part telling them where they are going to add an element of surprise. Include a packing list!

  4. Purchase the actual paper tickets to the event and wrap those up. Be sure they don’t get thrown out when you are cleaning up after the gift-giving.

  5. Buy a small item that represents the experience and give that. For example, if you are going to a spring training game, you could give a baseball cap. If you are doing a spa day, you could wrap a nail polish. Or if you are going to a Broadway show, you could include a t-shirt themed to match the show.

  6. If you also want to gift a suitcase or backpack, purchase that and then place the order confirmation for the experience inside of the suitcase/backpack.

  7. Make a quick video using your phone telling the recipient about the gift. You could also include a video tour of the place you will be going that you find on YouTube.

  8. Buy a puzzle that represents the gift, assemble it, and write about the gift on the back of the puzzle. Put the puzzle back into the box and have the recipient assemble the puzzle to discover the gift.

I hope some of these ideas spark a plan for a future gift plan. The most important thing is to remember that the point of these gifts and experiences is to spend time together and make memories. Whatever you do, enjoy this special time with those you love.