5 Things You Should Think About When Planning a Group Trip
Traveling with another family can add to the fun and excitement when you travel but it can also add to the stress and planning. Lisa is sharing five tips she has used when planning trips with other families that will help make your next family vacation with friends the best it can be.
Traveling in a group can be so much fun! Listen in to learn about five things your should consider while you are planning a trip with another family.
“Traveling with another family is a great way to get out, explore, and make memories with the most important people in your life.”
5 Things to Think About When Planning a Trip with Another Family
Choose your traveling companions wisely. Think about how well everyone will get along while on a trip. If someone irritates you during a night out to dinner, you probably don’t want to spend an entire vacation with them. Also consider what type of trip spenders you are and see if that aligns with potential travel companions. Other things to think about are your desired activity level and how you like to mange food while traveling. Thinking about all of these these ahead of time will help you find a great match for another family who will make good traveling partners.
Create an Itinerary ahead of the trip. Gather all of the ideas for things people would like to do on the trip and then set up a loose itinerary for the vacation. I suggest planning one mail activity per day and then leaving time open to discover new things or take a nap. Over planning will likely cause burnout. This is especially true when traveling with kids. I like to think that I can always return to a place if we don’t get to everything on our wish list.
Make a food plan. Decide if you will be eating out, eating in, or doing a mix of the two. Talk about a food budget so everyone knows what to expect. Divide up who is in charge of meals when you are eating in and make reservations for eating out.
Don’t expect everyone to do everything together. Allowing people to opt in or out of activities will make it more fun for everyone. You can do separate things during the day and then plan to make up at night for dinner. Someone may want to take a nap while other go on a hike. The vacation is for each person so give everyone some space to do what they really enjoy.
Plan for downtime. Getting enough rest is critical when traveling and it’s especially true when you are traveling with a group. There will be different opinions and it’s easy to loose patience when you are tired. Give yourself time to take a nap or read a book poolside. Also, be sure to get enough sleep each night.
I hope these suggestions will help you as you plan out your next trip with another family. Traveling with others can be a lot of fun so start thinking about who you want to invite to come along on your next family vacation.
Looking for more group travel tips? Check out these other podcast episodes: Best 10 Destination Ideas to Consider When Planning a Group Trip